Barefoot Bob - One-Man-Party-Band!

©2005-2019 UnHerd-of Music.

One-Man-PartY-Band Show
Party Rock’n’Roll-Reggae-Ska-Blues

The Barefoot Kings are an up-vibe fun band creating soul-shake-able tunes drawing upon infectious grooves from the roots-rock-and-roll of your backyard to the reggae-ska-soca-soukous-and-roll from around the world.  

Celebrating life with their own form of “music therapy” every chance they get, the band’s songs and the high-powered energy of their live show are meticulously designed to pick you up out of the gutters of life’s great bowling lane and ceremoniously transport you to the paradisiacal climes of your true inner fiesta child, baby.  

    "It's impossible not to be swept up in the carefree nature of this fresh-sounding slate of tunes. A signature style? Diversity is the key - the guys deftly weave together threads of rock, folk, and roots. Inject a touch of reggae, and you come close to pinpointing their unmistakable sound." - Red Deer Express.

”Barefoot Bob” Cook leads the band and is an affable singer-songwriter-guitarist-lead vocalist-producer who has written over 500 songs and recorded eight albums of original music, ranging from his humble, folksy beginnings through the current incarnation of his band (formerly know as “Bob Cook & the Mucho Nada Party” and “Bob Cook & The UnHerd-of”).  

“Super Dave” Farhall on the bass and backing vocals is an incredibly gifted and melodic player with an uncanny ability create deep pockets of space out of thin air.  He has also played with Lovertine/The Wowzers, Aroots Bazaar, The DB Buxton Revue, and many others.

Jeremy Seatter and Pascal Lecours currently take turns sitting high and mighty occupying the royal drum throne and both are amazing players, providing incredible grooves, energy, and spontaneity into the broad repertoire of styles that The Barefoot Kings perform in their shows.  

Based in Edmonton, Canada - but facing south during winters - The Barefoot Kings have performed at numerous festivals and venues across Western Canada (please see “Shows” for performances) and look forward to befriending your inner fiesta child with their intoxicating, salt-rimmed concoction of musical revelry!

Much Ado
The Barefoot Kings